
'Bad Romance' - Animated Springjoint

80 ratings
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'Bad Romance' - Animated Springjoint

80 ratings

This item requires you to have some knowledge of Blender and/or Unity to add this asset to your avatar. NO REFUNDS. I cannot provide any refunds since this is a digital product. Upon purchasing you are accepting my TOS. All sales are final.

Read the included instructions for more information on how to install to your avatar.

A simple heart-shaped animated springjoint/ball.
4 Styles to choose from/customize.
Uses Poiyomi Toon Shader (included).
Can easily be used with other springjoints systems (made mainly for use with SleightlyBall System).

  • Approx. 1,400 faces
  • 1 FBX file
  • 1 Material for the mesh / 5 materials for the particles
  • 4 Particle Systems + 1 Trail Renderer per prefab / 400 Max. Particles per prefab (Differ on the Quest version.)
  • Animated & AudioLink enabled
  • Rigged / weightpainted
  • Basic setup included / Prefabs provided [WORK IN PROGRESS]
  • Allowed on personal and commercial projects, on finished models (with credits).

Terms of Use / Disclaimer
By acquiring any of my products, you automatically agree to the following. These are subject to changes at anytime:

  • You have to register your Discord tag properly at checkout
  • One purchase means one person using it.
  • Commercial license is valid for completed avatars/models only.
  • If used for a commercial project, make it clear to your customers that if they want to use the asset in their other projects (personal or commercial) they must purchase it themselves. Otherwise, they will not be able to use the asset.
  • Credit me if used on an avatar/model or distributed. Do not gatekeep. (Use the link for this item or the link provided below in "Credits").
  • Do not claim ownership of this asset, even if edited.
  • Do not share/redistribute/sell/resell/trade/leak/rip this asset or its meshes, even if edited, for any reason. That includes giving it to someone else for edits for you or uploading.
  • This page is the only place where you can acquire this product. You will be blacklisted if you are found to be using a leaked/ripped version of it.
  • If you wish to buy for someone else, use the gift option and put their and your information in the right fields.
  • Price splitting is not allowed.
  • Do not use as a nitro reward/asset.
  • Do not use on public avatars/public avatar worlds/any game that includes the option for public avatars.
  • Do not use on free avatars/free worlds.
  • No refunds. Contact me if you have issues with the asset.
  • Do not use my assets for any harmful, threatening, offensive or abusive material. I am not responsible for any misuse of the assets or administrative actions taken against you. Be responsible.

Failure to adhere to those terms will result in the revocation of your access to this item and you will be blacklisted. You will not be allowed to use any of my products.



I want this!

Unity Package, Poiyomi Toon Shader 7.3.50 to 9.0.61

Size (in-game)
Particle System(s)
Max Particles
Skinned Mesh Renderer(s)
Mesh Renderer(s)
Material Slots
2 for mesh / 5 for particles
PoiyomiToon 7.3.050 to 9.0.61
Overall Performance
AudioLink compatible?
Quest compatible?
Write defaults
Last Update
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No refunds allowed


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